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The first requirement for opening an account at GSB is to be part of the Jakob heirs.

If you haven't done the #NewDeal yet, you can do this here:

With live registration you have access to the GSB products.

We charge a one-time surcharge of 10%, tithing, for our priestly work for every purchase (we buy just above the spot price), because monetary policy is priestly activity.

With this surcharge, the following additional actions are initially covered for your weight account: setup, administration, storage, later resale of your credit, transfer, etc.


In other words, 9.09% of the total amount of your debt money will be charged to our costs and 90.909% of your weight account will be credited in silver and / or gold.

Call us at 0049- (0) 177-4496123 and we will tell you the respective daily and purchase price at which we will then buy silver and / or gold.

Now tell us your desired investment amount and we will create a weight account for your purchased precious metal.

Please understand that account openings are only possible from a deposit of € 1,000.

We offer the following Service also

Wir bewegen Dein Edelmetall!

  • Wealth&Care

    Every month
    Wir bewegen Dein Edelmetall
    • - Profitiere von unserer Handelstätigkeit
    • - regelmässige Ausschüttungen
    • - Alle Infos zu den Märkten



Then you benefit from future price developments, as well as from our trading activity through constant movement of your precious metal.

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